October 11, 2005

Mala strana - Lesser quarter of Prague

Mala strana founded Premysl Otakar II. in the 1257. In the Middle Ages, it was a dominant centre of the German settlement of Prague. To taday's size was enlarged by Charles IV. who built also so called Hunger Wall. There was a large number of noble palaces in Lesser Quarter, while the right-bank cities were comparatively more bourgeois and more Czech.

Its one of Prague's historical and oldest quarters. Jan Neruda lived and wrote there.

The Petrinska rozhledna is a 60 metre high steel framework tower which is actually a 1:5 copy of Eiffel tower in Paris. It is located on Petrin hill on Mala strana and it was built in 1891 and was used as an observation tower as well as a transmission tower. Today the tower is a major tourist attraction.

Mala strana sign and flag
More info on Mala strana


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